musings from the water bowl

a daily acocunt of my life in general, either in the wolf pack or as my own little kitty self...

16 July 2006

Them Damn Lindens!!!

Oh! the wonders of system maintenance! The grid being down means tthe linden crew actually has to do some work, or they wont get fed!

other than that, i sit here and i wait.

stepping into reality for a few minutes, there is some conflict in the world(like we all didnt already know that). Isreal is retaliating aginst Lebanon for an attack by a terrorist organization. Well, this doesnt bode well for those of us that put the uniform on, even a couple days out of the month. what this could mean is an extended trip back to the midle east for either me or my honey, or even both, providing the US does its normal jump in with both feet and still fail to get it done right(read any armed conflict since vietnam) but no worries mate! as a good friend of mine would say. the likelyhood of us going to either back isreal, or help lebanon(a very important anti-syrian government in the region, and a new "friend to the US") by "bitch slapping" isreal back into reality. now my fiancee's family is mostly jewish(he isnt thank god) and although he is decended from poles, isreal would be an important mission for him. so i know when he would love to go.

me on the other hand would rather the US not get involved and let isreal get bitch slapped by someone else. but if we lose isreal in the region we lose alot of balance out there. like we dont have enough to worry about out there in iraq and afghanistan. anyway now the grid appears to have come up but i cannot log in for some strange reason. *steps down from soap box*


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