musings from the water bowl

a daily acocunt of my life in general, either in the wolf pack or as my own little kitty self...

01 October 2006

new blog home...

my new blog home is i may continue to post here. but i dont know. my whole blog has been move to the above address, in preparation for closing this one down... but that isnt something i was wanting to do right away.

have fun and have a great day =)


trouble brewing on the horizon.....

it just keeps getting better(sarcasm... im sure...)

about 9 hours ago we lost contact on radar with one of our planes, and radio contact with the crew.

untill we find the plane, and the crew, and then find out what caused it to happen, all operations with the squadron are halted.

now i havent been here all that long, i now know that this is different from iraq, a different kind of warrior we are fighting. oppertunistic, guerrilla style warfare.

other fun news...

3 days ago i was out on a security patrol(as squadron command duty officer) and i encountered a suspicious package, and footsteps leading away from the fenceline. EOD was called out, and the package was safely disposed of. i showed security the footprints, and they had me follow them out(why i still dont know... needless to say i am still shaking..) where we encountered a handful of fighters(i am glad i remembered how to actually use that M-16 they gave me)

for the record i am ok(save for my nerves...) 2 of the security guys were hit, but they look to make a full recovery, and the 4 jihadists have met their fate. 1 of them in a dismal, dishonorable way... from a bullet fired by a woman. this woman. i hope allah turns him away at the gate and sends him to the burning reaches of the deepest hell.

i just want to state for the record that i want to come home... i do not like it here. i hate afghanistan, i want to come home.

too early in the morning...

2am local time... (roughly 2:30pm pacific) we were awakened by a warning siren, god not again. i was supposed to have a flight today, but as it sits right now i will be going back to bed here soon, and then possibly the day off. i wish i had a way to get into SL. days off suck out here. there is nothing to do.

more later. when i actually get up for the day
