musings from the water bowl

a daily acocunt of my life in general, either in the wolf pack or as my own little kitty self...

29 August 2006

A to Z of the AllieKat

wow i see this has begun to spread like wildfire. and thus the reason i have to do it too...

[A is for age]
28... but much wiser than that age, but somehow kind of naiive

[B is for booze of choice]
jack daniels has to be...

[C is for car i drive]
2004 Ford Explorer sport trac

[D is for dumbass drivers on the road]
i so hate them with a passion(read a privious post.)

[E is for one essential item you use everyday]
my computer. (brain doesnt apply, its on hiatus)

[F is for favorite song]
Eric Church-TwoPink Lines

[G is for favorite game]
Pin the tail on the... um... nevermind... we shall leave that one be

[H is for Hometown]
Canton, Michigan... amongst other places, that is where i call home

[I is for insurance]
boring thing that i call a job. it is mind numbing.

[J is for favorite juice]
mountain dew... im hopelessly addicted

[K is for kids]
my sisters 2 are enough for me thank you... =)

[L is for landing]
the hardest part of flying... also the most interesting...

[M is for marriage?]
November... whidbey island in november... yuck... *shudders*

[N is for nickname]
"Squeaks" the explanation into this name is waaaay to long for this blogroll. that and also see above to the letter I...

[O is for Ordnance]
bombs and missles and guns oh my!

[P is for planes]
t-2, t-34, f/a-18, p-3

[Q is for quote]
what the hell????

[R is for Navy Reserve]
its the reason for my insanity

[S is for sitting in a chair]
my job for the next 2 weeks... cause all our planes are broke...

[T is for time you woke up]
beforethe sun rises every morning

[U is for underwear]
hehe. they make that stuff?

[V is for vegetable you love]
broccolli. nuff said

[W is for worst habit]
im slightly OCD. dont get me started... ehehehhe

[X is for number of x-rays you've got]
X-rays... um... i could paper the walls of the Shelter with the x-rays i have gotten over the years...

[Y is for yummy food you make]
Chicken Kiev. among others

[Z is for zodiac sign]

theres a peek into what makes me tick... just take answers as they are. it will be better that way. alot of what i really do is classified and i couldnt tell you even if you asked.

have fun

Allie =)

27 August 2006

oak harbor... day 2

well. japan would have been better. today i went to work out, and then to the chow hall (the one time i wish i was enlisted) 4 bucks for that i wouldnt call that a deal. then i came back to my room and took a long nap. hehe, i woke up in just enough time to go back and grab dinner. another 4 bucks, but this time it was much much better. the reason behind my enlisted comment above... O-1 and above are not entitled to rations-in-kind, and therefore are not guaranteed a "free" lunch. or any meal for that matter. we have to pay for all our meals. now that being said, paying to eat at the galley is better than eating mcdonalds(healthier) and more convienient... read closer...

tonight i am having SL withdrawls so i am attempting a dialup download of the Sl client, and will attempt a dialup login upon install. it will help pass the time. unless it lags so hard i cant stand it

i contemplated going to the water today but it never really got out of the 60's today. sposed to be warmer tomorrow. may take a trek to the water then.

to those that will read this tonight, hopefully i will see you in world, and if not. the lag got me.


26 August 2006

oak harbor... day 1

nothing happened today. no... honest...

i sat in my office down in the ordnance shop(being the squadron ordnance officer, i have my own office, away from the hangar) and played yahoo games against Whip all day. except when i went and wandered around the spaces, making sure i was noticed.(if i dont make my presence known they wont even know i am here). yes as i mentioned in the last post. the japan detatchment is cancelled due to lack of equipment. being a reserve unit we lose aircraft if an active duty unit needs it. therefore the next 2 weeks are going to be interesting. i have a whole bunch of ordnance to check in on monday, or so says the email i recieved from Station Weps. oh joy. and on monday for the first 2 hours i will be the only one in the ordnance shop. so i will have a busy morning monday. but until then i will be relaxing and enjoying the weekend. mid 70's and clear all weekend(in western washington? you ask?... yes. being north of seattle, the olympic mountains shield us from the rain. yay for us. hehe) been invited to go fishing, yeh i am not sure i will take that offer.

other than that, not too much going on this weekend. (i picked a great time to hit AT) *rolls eyes*

catch ya later....
Allie =)

24 August 2006

Off to oak harbor... part deux...

well tomorrow morning i leave once again for beautiful Oak Harbor Washington... no SL for 2 whole weeks... (what shall i ever do!!!) the japan trip looks to be cancelled due to the fact that in the previous post i mentioned the APU burnt out of the plane we were supposed to be taking. and now there are no spares. therefore im going to be holding down the chair again. but it is paid chair time. i wont complain too loudly i guess. anywho...

i cant think of anything else to add at the moment... stay tuned to this channel for further updates. and maybe some pictures of the beautiful area. =)

Allie =)

21 August 2006

a long weekend,,,(and not in the good sense either)

my weekend started kind of normal.
friday morning i had to run in to work for a few hours and finish up some things i hadn't finished. after that got finished i ran a quick load of laundry, suited up and headed for fairchild AFB. apon arival there, i realized i had forgot my toiletry bag, and had to go to the BX to get some standby's.

the call to Air Ops... "No Ma'am, the plane hasnt gotten off deck yet." was definately NOT what i wanted to hear. stop for dinner at the BK on base, then Ted calls from Missoula. "Allie, we're on the roll as we speak, see you in about an hour." i looked at my watch, 18:15. plane is running about an hour and a half late at this point.

19:35- "Ma'am, the P-3 is on deck" from the base ops airman, who was quite good looking, and so polite and went way out of his way to make sure my long wait was as pleasant as could be. i grabbed my suitcase and headed out the door. with a brief smile and thank you, to that airman(was actually an air force tech sergeant) i headed out the door to the plane.

flight went as planned to terminus in oak harbor.

the duty office berthing master list-*******, Allison M LCDR- Coachmen Inn. 3rd weekend in a row for the out in town deal. well the positive side was that "Jolly" Roger was at the coachmen too. Jolly is the Nav/Com officer on my air crew. a great guy to hang out with. time on the watch at this point, 22:25. duty driver gets the 3 of us to our destinations, and i get to my room. this is when i realize that NOTHING on whidbey island is open past 9:30pm. note to self. bring car next time.

04:30 saturday-"can i get the duty driver to come get me. i have a 5am preflight" keep in mind i had about 5 hours of sleep. i get to the hanger and get to brief. then an hour later its out to the plane, and we are setting it up to turn it on and warning lights galore and the lineman is signalling fire! pop the APU bottle, "evacuate the aircraft!!! Port observer! TACCO Report!"

08:07-on the ground, looking at the airplane, i shake my head. ok clear to get our gear off the plane. call maintenance, do we have a backup for this bird? no? ugh. thanks chief." drag the gear back in, quick debrief, and get ready for the family day.
catch a nap at my desk. and at 10am have to get out there and be civilized for the families. looking like i just woke up, the skipper asked if i was alright. yessir, lack of sleep is always good for the body, i had replied sarcasticly. after joking with the skipper for a few minutes, i had decided to return to my office. the downside is that my office is away from the hanger, in the ordnance shop.

13:00- Command picnic. food, fun, and 2 kegs of beer. oh and did i mention TONS of lil ones. and a massive full sheet cake. maybe a sheet and a half. yes huge. after grabbing a cup and some of that beer (bud light is not my favorite.) i head to the grill to get me some tasty vittles.
got suckered into a game of horse shoes(28 years old and only the 3rd ever game of horseshoes ever). more beer, another hot dog... 1500 on the of volleyball. (i ripped my new shorts*cries*) was part of several pictures with many many people. i finally met Jolly's wife. nice lady, very classy. i always thought if Roger was about 20 years younger and single he's be quite a catch. matter of fact he has a son that is my age. so yanno. LOL

1700- heading back to the hotel room. i relaxed on the bed watching tv when my cell phone rings "hey Squeaks!(my squadron nickname... do NOT ask!) we're gonna head to Mike's house and have some drinks, wanna come along?" tired, and comfy, i reluctantly accepted the invite and said yeah. i'm at the coachmen, i'll meet you at the lobby in 15.

needless to say i didnt get much leep saturday night. i didnt get back to the room untill about 1am. back at the hangar at 6, and being a spare set of hands on a no fly day, i get volunteered for a plane wash. (what fun!!) the plane wash was fun actually. over around 1030am, and then i was just holding a chair down all day sunday till the airlift.

1500- board the airlift. engines now turning, 592 rolling. at the end of the runway. "we're waiting for maintenance to release us safe for flight." then we turned around and returned to the flight line. joy. sitting on the deck we get told the colorado group was taking our plane 'cause theirs went down. wonderful.we have a spare, 320. so me and the eastern airlift head over there. and begin prepping the plane. about 20 minutes into this evolution i realize that no one is coming over

the VP-1 chief runs out and says that the airplane we just got off was waiting for us. *rolls eyes* (thanks chief) he tells us not to worry about unprepping it. so we run back to 592. with us there are 23 ppl on this plane. very uncomfy. ok 592 off the deck. arriving in COS (colorado springs) at 10pm. drop off 15 people and back in the air. to missoula at 12am. drop Ted off, back in the air and to spokane at 1am. i get off the plane. i finally got home at 3am. and was NOT going to work today. so needless to say ihad LONG weekend.

15 August 2006

Unprofessional Approach...

Well to those of you that read this, you may have seen the KP Manager over my head several times. well that is no more. i have since left that club, citing a labor dispute over the behavior of one particular member of the owners group. i was told from the outset i would have to work for tips, because the owners werent sure what they would make. well im not really into "erotic dancing" so that method of payment was out the door. and finally when i brought the matter p again i was shut down again. i then began to scout other endeavors, and after i found a promising one, i get a ping over the employee channel. to the tune of if you cant only work for me, you wont work for me. to which i questioned whether she was looking into the profiles of her employees to keep tabs on things. and when i protested, i brought up the pay again.

needless to say i got nothing from the pay deal. and 10 minutes after i had quit, the other half of the owners group was im'ing me asking why i had quit. well the reason had been totally obvious to me. this girl doesn't work for free. that is when he told me they were about to begin paying me 1000 a week. and that he had a sick feeling when i quit. and i wasnt going to crawl back there. it is hard to work for someone you dont trust. i am awaiting a free evening to begin hosting for Spira Enterprizes. not sure how that will work out, but at least it pays money. and tips too. that and Dani and Erbo think i will do okay. =)

maybe this whole thing will work out for the good, god i hope so. well till next time...

Allie =)

10 August 2006

CEO of Linden Labs sighted at 2:45pm at the shelter!!!!

This afternoon Phil Linden "dropped in" to the shelter. only staying a few minutes... (due to the mass spamming of the shelters group channel) when the masses began arriving to catch just a glimpse of this extremely rare linden. after asking several av's(me included) what we thought was messed up, and hearing the assets issue and the known presence isue several times, he poofed without a good bye. this blogger could not believe her eyes when philip appeared. truly a blessed day it is. a short glimpse of the rarest of the linden breed. after a few cameras were spotted... he turned skittish and fled into the pixels. but thils lucky blogger was able to snap a photo of him... one of the few known photos known to be in existance.

(bloggers note: when phil stopped by, there were 5 of us in the shelter.. when he left... the sim was almost full.) and now... at 3pmSLT the grid goes down from the known presence issues.

Reina Quine had bet Phil $5L and a Pony that the grid would go down some time tonight, and here it is. so Phil.. you owe Reina $5L and pony!!. LOL (what she really wants is the pony. LOL)

Yet another update

I havent figured out why, but just as we get used to the bugs in one update... they go and throw another update(yes... another one.. full of more bugs than before) on our backs and say... Use this... or no more SL for you. LOL havent noticed anything missing as of yet from my massive closet, however i havent really had to look for anythng yet.

ok on to RL things. 2 days off away from the weekend. lol only cause i needed them. i realized that it is too hot for activity(even inside the house) almost went and played some golf today, then decided against it. so far, my day has been full of being bored.. waiting for SL... more boredom, and childrens television.(gotta love the disney channel, and nick jr in the mornings) however i think i will live. its work tomorrow... and after 2 days off... im happy. LOL.

07 August 2006

intoxicated blogging should be outlawed

wow who-da-thunk-it... drunk on a sunday night... for what... for nothing. cause i can... lol work tomorrow... but what the hell

not much to write about. nothing much happened today. juat drunk and blogging on a sunday ngiht.

05 August 2006

Times... They are a-changin'

If you all havent heard yet... My little brother left for the Army on the 2nd of august. YAY for him!!!! about dang time i say. he called my mom and dad the other night from S.C. saying he has the week off before they form his platoon... wait a minute... A WEEK OFF?????? when i went through OCS way back when... we didnt get a week off untill we took leave after basic flight training.(for those of us that went to flight school) and we had to take the leave. counted against our basket leave. as in yeah... but giving the new recruits a week off before training?????? even a few enislted friends of mine are appauled at what we are doing for these newbies.

a really good friend of mine (name withheld due to the fact he is in afghanistan, and giving his name may violate OPSEC regulations) said to me in an email earlier this week.... he gets a week off? when i went through boot camp i didnt get a week off. i had a week of preliminary days where it was total hell. (he went to NTS Great Lakes, IL in 1997.) even my fiancee freaked out about that. what is this world coming too when we are training our warriors to become fat lazy bastards, and we cant punish them or discipline them like the old days. stress cards my rear end! we need 1970's marine corps discipline(thanks to my dad) where they could literally beat the recruit into submission. (dads comment) to those that dont know my father is a former USMC Drill Instructor. As you can see the military runs deep in my family. Unfortunately Shaunny cant serve due to her eyesight.

well enough griping. the military wants more from less and the way they train shows it. basic training anymore is a joke. the only one that actually means anything to the heart is the USMC. still the toughest(and in my dads mind the best) we go back and forth all the time. however it was one of his Corps "Brethren" that sent me through OCS. i have served next to marines. they truly are the best =) tee hee thanks Dad