Times... They are a-changin'
If you all havent heard yet... My little brother left for the Army on the 2nd of august. YAY for him!!!! about dang time i say. he called my mom and dad the other night from S.C. saying he has the week off before they form his platoon... wait a minute... A WEEK OFF?????? when i went through OCS way back when... we didnt get a week off untill we took leave after basic flight training.(for those of us that went to flight school) and we had to take the leave. counted against our basket leave. as in yeah... but giving the new recruits a week off before training?????? even a few enislted friends of mine are appauled at what we are doing for these newbies.
a really good friend of mine (name withheld due to the fact he is in afghanistan, and giving his name may violate OPSEC regulations) said to me in an email earlier this week.... he gets a week off? when i went through boot camp i didnt get a week off. i had a week of preliminary days where it was total hell. (he went to NTS Great Lakes, IL in 1997.) even my fiancee freaked out about that. what is this world coming too when we are training our warriors to become fat lazy bastards, and we cant punish them or discipline them like the old days. stress cards my rear end! we need 1970's marine corps discipline(thanks to my dad) where they could literally beat the recruit into submission. (dads comment) to those that dont know my father is a former USMC Drill Instructor. As you can see the military runs deep in my family. Unfortunately Shaunny cant serve due to her eyesight.
well enough griping. the military wants more from less and the way they train shows it. basic training anymore is a joke. the only one that actually means anything to the heart is the USMC. still the toughest(and in my dads mind the best) we go back and forth all the time. however it was one of his Corps "Brethren" that sent me through OCS. i have served next to marines. they truly are the best =) tee hee thanks Dad
a really good friend of mine (name withheld due to the fact he is in afghanistan, and giving his name may violate OPSEC regulations) said to me in an email earlier this week.... he gets a week off? when i went through boot camp i didnt get a week off. i had a week of preliminary days where it was total hell. (he went to NTS Great Lakes, IL in 1997.) even my fiancee freaked out about that. what is this world coming too when we are training our warriors to become fat lazy bastards, and we cant punish them or discipline them like the old days. stress cards my rear end! we need 1970's marine corps discipline(thanks to my dad) where they could literally beat the recruit into submission. (dads comment) to those that dont know my father is a former USMC Drill Instructor. As you can see the military runs deep in my family. Unfortunately Shaunny cant serve due to her eyesight.
well enough griping. the military wants more from less and the way they train shows it. basic training anymore is a joke. the only one that actually means anything to the heart is the USMC. still the toughest(and in my dads mind the best) we go back and forth all the time. however it was one of his Corps "Brethren" that sent me through OCS. i have served next to marines. they truly are the best =) tee hee thanks Dad
At 07 August, 2006 09:31,
Keoni Chavez said…
Yeah, that's no way to treat new recruits. You're not going to Club Med, y'all, you're going to combat, most likely. It's like working on an ice sculpture, then leaving it out in the heat for a couple of hours before sending it to the freezer. Look at what's left!
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