Tony Stewart pledges ANOTHER million dollars to the Victory Junction Gang Camp in North Carolina.
This weekend marks the 6th year since NASCAR Busch Series driver Adam Petty crashed in turn 3 at New hampshire International Speedway. well a bit late, with all the NASCAR schedule changes. May 12, 2000 first morning practice at NHIS, Adam Petty comes on the track in his #45 Busch car sponsored by Sprint, and o nhis 4th lap crashes hard into the turn 3 wall and dies of injuries sustained, thus kicking off the deadliest year in NASCAR history, before it would all be said and done, Adam, Kenny Irwin Jr, Tony Roper(craftsman truck series driver that died at phoenix) and 7 time winston cup champ Dale Earnhardt, would all given their lives to the sport they loved. well when Adam died at NHIS may 12, 2000 a special thing happened. the Victory Junction Gang Camp was dreamed up, in memory of Adam, the camp provides a place for special needs children to go and be kids for a while, where all their medications and medical needs are met with NO, and i mean NO finantial responsibility to the parents. since the camp opened in 2004, nascar drivers and fans alike have thrown money at Kyle and Patty Petty, to help cover the emense burden that a 27-30 milion dollar a year tab the camp racks up. There are those that say Tony doesnt have a heart. well this goes to show that Tony Stewart is anything but heartless. 2 milion donated since 2004. that is a massive, massive burden to take, even for a guy that makes 7+ million a year. with his owning the eldora speedway, and several cars in different racing series, and a private jet the man is spread about as thin as he can me. to just up and give someone a million dollars with his financial burden it massive. i applaud tony stewart, and would like to ask anyone that may read this, to go to www.victoryjunction.org and take a look around. compared to tony's million, my 100 dollars a year isnt much, but it is something that could help some young boy or girl be "normal" for a week.
there are many good charities that NASCAR backs, all the driver started foundations, they all do their part, but everyone needs to do their part to help these kids to lead as normal of a life as they can. as short as it may be, or as long and prosperous as it may be, we all can do a small part in helping these kids have a life they wouldnt have had if these fine organizations didnt exist.
yes i am a huge nascar fan, and also a tony stewart fan. that is a small reason why something like this made it into a blog about SL. i felt it needed to be addressed. =)